Tuesday, May 8, 2018

"One Simple Word"

This poem is about something that is tearing apart the writing world. The quick backstory is this:
 Someone got a trademark on the word cocky, and is using it against anyone with that word in their titles.It's vile, so I wrote this to express my feelings.

I'm following this through,
And don't care if I get sued.
I might be cocky about this,
But I don't give two shits.
Sad that a piece of paper
Is leading to legal waivers.
A wildly used common word
Tearing apart the writing world.
Amazon taking down their books
Treated like they are shady crooks.
Demanding they change their titles,
Making many people become vile.
The mob tactics have been engaged.
Beasts of anger released from a cage.
Personal attacks on families starting.
As common sense is now departing.
I hope this all ends very peacefully,
And a solution is found gracefully.
Until then, show all writers support.
As we pray this doesn't go to court.
My final view about all this absurdity.
Is it doesn't lead to further travesty.
One word shouldn't tear us apart.
So, keep on working on your art.

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