Sunday, June 14, 2015

"Our Choice"

Life is lined with tragedies.
Paths filled with sadness.
We face a chaotic reality;
Begin embracing madness.
Fear is our souls' guidance.
Anger is our hearts' voice.
As we listen to war's sirens,
Peace is no longer a choice.
Lies injected into our ears
Like they are digital heroin.
Media preying on our fears.
Most obey without questions
Bullets dispensed like candy.
Death counts keep on rising.
Politicians think it's all dandy.
As they ignore children crying.
Generations of electronic sheep
Feed on technological nurture.
Voices are replaced by bleeps.
All thoughts guided by cursors.
Our future is a total nightmare.
Hope is now a forgotten dream.
A world choking on the despair.
Hatred muffles the silent screams.
Life isn't filled with all tragedy.
Find a path filled with happiness;
Set course for a Utopian reality.
Rid the world of all this madness.
Hope is the soul's new guidance.
Compassion our hearts' new voice.
To finally silence the war's sirens.
Peace will forever be our choice.