Monday, August 31, 2015

“Bloody Drunk”

Cigarette smoke fills the air.
Inside this dimly lit barroom.
Whiskey drowns their cares;
They slide deeper into gloom.
As they slip into drunkenness,
My mouth begins to salivate
As I begin to feel gluttonous.
The sheep will be decimated.
A drunk falls, and cuts his hand.
The smell drives my inner beast.
I rush over to the plastered man,
On fresh blood, I begin to feast.
I drain him as the patrons panic.
Terror in their eyes as they flee.
Slight whispering about satanic
Trembling with fright before me.
Emptying their blood one by one,
I notice the room begins to spin.
After the seventh victim is done,
I'm drunk inside Tavern McFinn's.
I should have known it was risky
Making a meal inside an Irish pub.
The blood full of beer and whiskey.
I ended up puking into a bathtub.
Needless to say, after that night,
I never visited another damn bar.
For the booze gave me a fright;
 The cursed sun left me scarred.

Monday, August 3, 2015

"This Pilgrimage "

Always filled with regret,
And focused on the past.
Their future was never set,
But their dreams faded fast.
A path of discarded hopes.
Hearts shattered with fears;
Entangled by Worry's ropes.
Souls drowned in their tears.
Every decision a small step
Towards the new ambitions.
Never stop till nothing's left;
Don't worry about a decision.
Life will always be a mystery
Unraveled over time's passage.
As we leave a mark on history
On this pilgrimage of challenges.
In the end, never lose the faith,
And don't dwell on any strifes.
When we reach the pearly gates,
Smile due to you living a full life.