Saturday, October 28, 2017

"Soldiers of Expression"

Words: a writer's weapon.
Soldiers of their expression.
Inspiration is our main goal,
Bring hope to everyone's soul.
Thoughts weaved across a page.
Creativity freed from the cage.
Ideas forever stored in ink
Causing the reader to think.
Now, words fan the flames
Behind screens, no shame.
Musings fueled by negativity
For the whole world to see.
Words: a soldier's weapon
Their dagger of aggression.
Hatred is what they spread;
Their compassion long dead.
Break the chains of insanity.
Spread hope for humanity.
Discussions should inspire,
Not to spread anger's fire.
Words: a writer's weapon.
Soldiers of their expression.
Ignite the new renaissance.
Let peace be our response.