Tuesday, July 29, 2014

"The Final Cost"

Visions of doom and decay.
Talks of pending nuclear war.
Hopes of peace gone astray.
Anger rotten us to the core.
Fires raging out of control.
Riots have filled every town
No compassion in their souls.
As buildings burn to the ground.
Law and order have been shot.
Anarchy holds the loaded gun.
As chaos spreads its evil plot,
The children’s’ blood begins to run.
There is no longer a civilization.
Returning to our animalistic ways.
We are on a path of damnation.
Slowly counting down our days.
The trigger will be pulled soon.
Launching The Nuclear Holocaust
The countdown to our final doom.
Was all this war worth the final cost?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

"One Last Note"

Smoking a cigarette
A bottle of bourbon
Trying hard to forget
What he had done.
Never meant to hurt,
Or to make her leave.
Pushed her to the dirt,
And made her bleed.
Keeps trying to forget,
As he numbs his mind.
Can't escape the regret,
Or leave the past behind.
He misses her each day,
But she will never return.
Nothing he can do or say.
Her heart is forever torn.
He wrote her one last note,
And died beneath the stars.
Ended his life under the oak,
His wrist barred fresh scars.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

“The Way of The Dodo”

Blocked by a firewall.
Controlled by a VPN.
Leashed by 4G LTE.
Freedom is a memory.
Every word is recorded.
Every photo is analyzed.
Data sent is not private.
Thoughts are still sacred.
1984 isn't a survival guide.
We should never be afraid.
No fear to express ourselves.
No creativity kills our future.
Ideas overall shape society.
Sparks that start revolutions.
Now, we get feed nonsense
So-called reality television.
Imagination is a dying breed.
Old stories are being rehashed.
Movies are over polished crap.
Mindless dribble for drones
Intent to not provoke thoughts.
Science fiction is now reality.
A brave new world isn’t brave.
It’s a nightmare we are creating.
Humans are slowly devolving.
Turning into biological robots.
Soon, not a single free thought.
Will ever leave our sealed lips.
One idea spread over the world.
Accepted by billions of people.
I want to see a new Renaissance.
And be a free thinker, not a slave.
If not, I rather die being a radical
Then assimilate into this society.
To be the one who lights the match
Igniting the wild fires of change.
Not trying to start an anarchy,
But the flow of new knowledge.
We need to build our Utopia now
Before art goes the way of the Dodo.

Monday, July 7, 2014

"Mostly Harmless?"

          For some reason, my mind was stuck thinking about The Turing Test, Cleverbot, and the future portrayed in sci-fi last night before bed. I kept going back to this one perplexing question: How do we truly define a human being to another intelligent species? Is there a way we can sum ourselves into one paragraph that truly defines us?
           I could go with Douglas Adam's thought, and try to summarize us with a very generic summary, but it wouldn't capture what we are as a species. I don't think there are enough words in any language to truly capture us on a whole. I could try, but I probably would die before I finished trying to capture us in words.
          On one level, we're easy to describe. The description of humans genetically and biologically is the easiest. On the bare levels, we are animals that can communicate vocally through language. On the microscopic level, we're all the same. The DNA in all of us is, I'm guessing here, 99% the same. The 1% that's different isn’t going to change a summary of our genetic codes considering that one percent is about outward appearance.
          Where this gets complicated is when you add the metaphysical traits. Our culture, religion, morals, political views, etc is where this becomes challenging. This is where our uniqueness sets in as well. A difference in one of these can give a person a total different perspective on life. You can show two people an abstract image, and can either have two different outputs, or might get lucky and have very similar.
          I feel if we ever have a confirmed first contact with a peaceful alien race, my ideal greeting party would be The UN Building. A representative of every nation would give them a much clearer picture of our diversity instead of a select few from one nation. They wouldn't get a clear picture if, let's say, only representatives of one nation opened communications.
          Then again, my biggest fear is they will be either overwhelmed or offended by one thing that we will be wiped out. Either way, we're all humans, and despite our differences, we will never be able to describe ourselves fully. If we ever truly learn we're not alone, I feel we should stop finding ways to kill each other, and maybe work towards expanding our knowledge of our own planet, and the universe out there while we still can.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


It's all inside your head.
The sadness isn't real.
It's all inside your head.
The pain that you feel.
Let go of the bitterness.
Mend the broken heart.
Embrace the tenderness,
And a brand new start.
Leave behind the night.
Forgot about the past.
Step out into the light.
Life is passing by fast.
It was inside your head.
You created your prison.
It was inside your head.
Your free soul has arisen.
Enjoy a new opportunity.
Break free of your bonds,
And grasp at total unity.
Where you truly belong.
Love is still out there.
The wounds will fade.
As you find people care,
And hearts will not stray.