Friday, March 23, 2012


Nothing more than
A grain of sand
Drifting slowly
On the winds called life
Start off without a care
Floating on a gentle breeze
Not caring where you go
As long as you enjoy the ride
Slowly the winds shift
The breeze grows stronger
Pushing and pulling you
You try to break free
But you cannot escape
The dark, merciless tempest
Tossed and turned
Even blown backwards
A prisoner of this storm
You try to break free
Eventually, the winds subside
And you find yourself floating
Broking free from that storm
Looking for that familiar breeze
But you can't find it anymore
So, you drift amongst the winds
Trying to figure out where to go
Then, you find a new wind
A wind that reminds you
Of that old familiar breeze
You begin following it
Wondering where it will take you
Yet in your heart you know
It won't be like the old days
For you've gone so far
You know you can't go back
The carefree days are gone
They only remain a memory
As you keep move forward
Following the shifting winds
Not caring where they take you
As long as you enjoy the ride
The ride that we call life

Friday, March 9, 2012

“An Ode To Beer”

Beer is the greatest drink
It makes me not want to think
It makes me feel invincible
While it makes ugly invisible
It makes white people dance
And gives perverts cheap romance
It makes a shy guy grow balls
And students puke in the halls
So, just give me a pint of Bass
Sorry, Corona tastes like ass
Guinness is also good for you
Until the tenth pint makes you spew
So drink some beer with your friends
Drink it until the keg meets its end
Drink until you can’t keep it down
Trust me, it’s fun to stumble around
Drink until your head feels light
Just don’t screw around that night
You may wake up naked and sore
Sleeping next to a transvestite whore
So chug down a 40 of malted liquor
Chug it so you can get drunk quicker
Chug down those bottles and cans
And for once, feel like a real man
So quit drinking that Zima you queer
And chug down a pint of a real beer
Learn the true joys of barley and hops
And drink that lager till your ass drops

Monday, March 5, 2012

"A Place Of Joy"

Standing on the ledge
That is covered by snow
Looking over the edge
Down to the street below
I must end my life
To cease all the pain
My damn internal strife
Will vanish in the rain
But I am too afraid
To take this final fall
On the ledge I stay
Fear is making me stall
I must cross this blockade
So my end I can finally meet
As my body will slowly cascade
Down to the snow-covered street
Something is holding me back
Catching me with its clenched fist
My mind slowly begins to crack
Trying to figure out what it is
The force of it is so great
That I step off the edge
And sit on an old milk crate
That is next to the ledge
I sit here for a long time
Trying to decide what to do
Thoughts are racing in my mind
As I think my options through
Then I slowly begin to recall
The world that I once knew
The world where I had it all
And I knew always what to do
A place that I was cheerful everyday
A place where everything made sense
Not this wretched city I live today
Where anger is my only defense
A place where the only problem was bugs
Where everyone was always having fun
Not here where my problem is drugs
And everyone I know carries a gun
What happen to this paradise
What happen to this peaceful place
Did it vanish into the city lights
Or become part of the rat race
Then I realized that I had lost it
I erased this joy from my memory
I crawled into depression’s pit
And Utopia became a fantasy
To this I must somberly confess
My soul lost all of its happiness
And was filled with chaotic distress
My heart became a place of sadness
My Utopia will soon return
When I become determined
To answer my heart’s yearn
To beat this town and win
Not to be dragged down
And taken down below
Six feet under the ground
And Death taking my soul
I will face my fear and start over
I will fight through the pain
Hope will once again take over
My soul will break free of its chains
I will live on for many long years
And come back to that place of joy
I fought and won against my fear
Living is what I will always enjoy