Sunday, April 12, 2015

"Still Burning"

Leaving my home in the stars.
From the heavens, I descend.
Wind rushing over my wings.
Earthwards to help a friend.
He has fallen into dark times.
He's about to lose everything.
The Devil controlling his fate.
Hope in his heart is perishing.
Heavy is his crown of despair.
Numbing himself with the pills
His soul has snuffed its flame.
Lack of faith has made him ill.
I find him walking on a bridge.
A bottle of whiskey in his hand.
He climbs over the guardrail.
To escape this prison of man.
I grab his arms and carry him
To the roof of a nearby building.
I stay invisible for a few minutes
Watching his will to live wilting.
"I have no reason to live here!
You should have let me fall!"
"I can't let you die, my dear.
I answered your soul's call."
I make my presence known,
Spreading open angelic wings.
He fells to his knees stunned,
Tugging at my robe's strings.
"Jumping wasn't your answer.
Would have sent you down.
You would have fallen hard,
Land on Satan's playground.
Is ending it worth the torment?
You got so much life in store.
I beg you not to end it now.
Soon, you'll open a new door."
"Losing you hurt me deeply.
My heart shattered by death."
"It was my time to leave here.
Don't let my death end in regret."
Five years later, I return again.
To find the man I always love.
The faith is restored in his heart.
He's going to join me up above.
The love we share will be eternal.
Nothing can extinguish our spark.
My death may have separated us;
Passion still burning in our hearts.

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