Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday, Monday...

The joys of Monday. The most loathed day in all of history, save maybe me. Ironically, Mondays are my "Fridays" so to speak since it's the last day of my work week. However, they still feel like a Monday. Maybe it's years of dreading Mondays, or just something in my genes. Either way, Mondays suck.

The good news is at least Christmas Eve rocked. I start work early, but got off at 6pm. I was till around 6am drinking and partying all night long. I was glad I just stuck to the keg for the majority of the night. If not, I would have been knocked out by Jack way earlier. I didn't have any liquor till 4am when the last few of us did one holiday shot.

I did have a good Christmas day as well. I got a new wardrobe, and my own fruitcake. No clue people hate it, but I love it. I actually ate some for breakfast. I also get a new queen sized bed,which made someone else very happy. Now, we got room for us, and our two dogs. Sadly, even though I 6'3", they will still take up all the space for I sleep on my side against the wall. Ah well, she's happy for it looks like a soft bed, and beats the futon we are currently sleeping on.

This means tomorrow we have to organize the bedroom once again. Yeah, I always seem to be busy on my days off, but then again, rather be busy instead of sleeping the day away. The good news is Wednesday is our lazy day, which means I might be able to do some more writing. However, got errands to run, so it won't be entirely a lazy day. I guess work is never done when you're an adult.

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