Thursday, December 29, 2011

In The Year 2012...

It's approaching faster now then ever: The end of the other year. However, this year is supposed to be a huge year. Well, this really depends if the Mayans were right or not. If they are, well, I hope I die with a bottle of Jack in one hand, and Jim in the other. If the world is going to end, I might as well die happy.

If not, here's a few things I hope to accomplish next year:

  1. Lose some weight. I'm probably around 260 (give or take 20lbs...). I wouldn't mind being back down to around 230lbs.
  2. Finishing editing my first novel. It's been on hold due to the holidays. After the New Year, it should be back on track. So far, we got through the first 80 pages, and no major changes. One so far, but it's at most four paragraphs.
  3. Finish another rough draft of another novel, or maybe two. As stated in previous posts, put on hold due to the holidays. Again, working on a sci-fi werewolf story as well as the sequel to the first. Not the wisest idea at times, but just do one each day. Never mix genres like that all at once. It's like the equivalent of mixing whiskey, beer, and milk all at once. The end result will end up in the toilet.
  4. Keep updating this at least once a week. You see, blogging is the writing equivalent of taking a shit. It releases some of the built-up pressure in your body, and you feel better afterwards.
  5. Live to see 2013.
Well, that's all for know. My parting thought is this


Hope y'all enjoy it.

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