Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Madam Of Suburbia Chapter 33

Chapter 33 – Truth And Tunnels
Once again, I find myself watching the sun rise with a million fucking questions that have no answer. The one thing that is driving my mind into constant fucking overdrive is why didn't Blue and Madam kill me when they had the chance. The fact I'm sitting here under a covered porch in the backwoods still breathing makes absolutely no fucking sense. I watched Madam kill Donnie for pure fucking entertainment, and she let me escape. I know she won't get her hands dirty, but Blue is the confusing part. Blue is the type that would probably shoot a relative for taking the last roll at Christmas dinner.
As I'm about to light another smoke, I feel something warm tap against my shoulder, causing me to almost jump out of my chair, only for it to break as I try to regain my composure. I land on the deck hard, and end up almost putting my foot through the window. I look up, and see Maddie there in a flannel robe holding two cups of coffee.
"Seems you already had enough coffee," states Maddie while trying to hand me a mug.
"Son of a bitch!" I say as I stand up. "Don't sneak up on me."
"You know, they say smoking is bad for you," she retorts as she sits down on the porch swing at the rear of the porch. "Also, you owe me a new chair."
"Good morning to you as well," I say as I take the mug, and sit down in another chair closer to the swing.
"Have another smoke, so we can go in. There's a lot of information we need to cover," she says.
"What kind of information?"
"The truth," she remarks. "You've been handed more bullshit than a fertilizer factory."
"What do you mean by bullshit?"
"Again, have another smoke, and meet me inside," she replies as she heads in.
As the door closes, I light up another cigarette, and puff on it as I find myself even more confused. I thought what I've been told was the fucking truth, but it seems I've been handed lies. As I puff away at my cig, I begin to wonder if even Amber has been completely fucking honest with me since we made our peace. I don't like this feeling of being a fucking pawn on some demented chess board between Madam and Amber. If I'm nothing more than a worthless soul for the DEA to fuck with, I rather have Riese end my life. I honestly want this bullshit to end one fucking way or another.
I finish my cigarette, and head back in. I walk into the dining room, and see four file boxes stacked to the table, and a file in front of a chair across from Maddie. I sit down, and glance at the file while noticing Amber's name on it.
"Let's get the first few questions out of the way. Yes, that's Amber's personal file, and no, her and her dad aren't involved with Madam or any cartel," Maddie states. "If she is, it's Area-51 type classification. Speaking of which, they're both in a very secure location."
"What about you?" I ask as I push the file back. I don't want to learn everything about Amber through her damn work file. If I truly feel the way I do about her, going to do it the old-fashioned way.
Maddie tosses me another file and says, "Enjoy."
I look down, and see she handed me her personal file, and her full banking records. The fact she is handing me all that to read proves she's not here to jerk me around. I toss them back and reply, "Since you haven't killed me yet, I'm going to trust you. So, when does the truth start?"
"Sure you want to go down this rabbit hole?"
For the rest of the day, she begins to lay out everything about Madam, The DEA, Blue, and everyone else that might be involved. I sit there taking notes on a pad because a lot of this I never knew. The one truth that I was filled in on is there is a link to Madam and that phone company. They still don't know the exact link, but their bookkeeping is fishy at times. The one thing I didn't know is Madam has a lot of possible ties to DC, which explains why every time I turn around, some government asshole is trying to fucking kill me.
The one thing Maddie can't figure out is why am I such an important piece in this fucked up puzzle. I was literally in the lion's den, but they let me escape. I don't know much about the internal workings because I was only told what I was needed to know. I was a simple weed dealer until that first encounter with Madam, but for someone reason, I keep escaping death like some higher power wants me alive. We spend the rest of the night trying to figure out the reason why I'm still breathing, but come up empty handed.
Around midnight, we stop going over everything, and decide it's time to head to bed. As I being heading towards my room, we hear a vehicle stop in front of the truck. Before we can do anything else, Maddie grabs my shoulder, and yanks me to the floor as a hail of bullets burst through the walls.
"Follow me," she yells over the sound of machine guns.
We crawl back into the dining room as she takes out a lighter, and lights the file boxes on fire.  I watch as she taps part of the floor causing it to slide revealing a secret compartment below the floor. We both dive into the secret compartment below the floor. The area barely fits both of us, but the steel walls should keep us safe. I reach up, and tap the door close as we end up almost snuggling because of how cramp it is in here.
"Tap the wall above your head," she whispers.
I knock the wall above me as the machine guns are still tearing up the house as the smoke slowly drifting into the room. The wall above me slides open, revealing a tunnel. She crawls over me to enter the tunnel. Once there's room for me, I crawl into the tunnel as the door closes behind me. We crawl a good 20 minutes in the dark tunnel until we hit another door. She taps it, and we crawl into a larger room with two bunks, and shelves with food and water. Also, I notice a landline phone on the shelves.
"We're safe here. We'll go back in the morning," she states.
"Hopefully they're gone by then," I reply. "If not, we have no way to defend ourselves."
She walks over to the back wall, and taps it. I watch in amazement as a small arsenal appears as the wall slides open. I whistle as there's enough weapons in the wall to start a city wide battle. I count at least six AK-47's, a machine gun, ten shotguns, and a ton of ammo. 
"Get some rest. I'm going to call some friends in the morning so we can take the fight back to Madam," she says. "No one shoots up my house, and gets away with it."
"That works for me," I reply smiling as I lay down on one of the bunks. It's about damn time a government agent is ready to fucking take the battle to Madam. I'm tired of being shot at. This time. I'll be the one shooting at her. Either way, the streets of Curva are about to run red, and I'm more excited than a fucking kid in a candy store. Even if I died once we attack, it's beat waiting around doing jack-shit. Tomorrow, revenge will finally begin.

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