Friday, October 31, 2014

"The Mirror" - WTF - T

            The morning sun enters the blinds, I slowly my eyes and stretch as I wake up from my morning slumber. I roll over, and see my master still sleeping. I wiggle out from under my blanket, and walk over to him. I see his eyes are still closed despite my paws on his chest. I begin to wag my tail and lick his face to wake him up.
            "Stop, Buckshot! Stop!" he shouts as he pushes me away.
            "It's morning!" I bark. "Time to play!"
            "Five more minutes, you damn mutt," Master replies.            
            I tug at his blanket while growling," No! Now!"
            He kicks the blanket off of him, and rolls out of the bed. I sit down next to him on his pillow, and give his elbow a slight lick while whimpering lightly. He reaches over, and lazily rubs my ears.
            "We'll go out in a few minutes, girl," he says while rubbing my ears.
            He gets off the bed, and disappears behind the door where he keeps his fire hydrant. As he's in there, my ears perk up as I hear a strange scratching noise.
            "Intruder! Intruder!" I bark loudly.
            "Shut up, Buckshot!" Master shouts from behind the door as I hear his hydrant make that weird flush noise. He opens the door and says, "Too early for the barking."
            I smell something in the hydrant room. I rush in and sniff around. I look up at the mirror and see Master in it smiling. However, the smell is completely different. He doesn't smell like rain, but garbage. I put my front paws on the counter and begin growling.
            "Intruder, Master!" I growl at the mirror. "Come quick!"
            Master walks in and grabs my collar. He pulls me away from the mirror while telling me sternly," Quit the barking! No one is in the bathroom. Now, let's go outside."
            He drags me by my collar to the door, and opens it. Once outside, he slams the door close, and lets go of my collar. He sits down on his chair, and lights up one his sticks that makes smoke. I keep staring at the door as the smell gets stronger. I growl as I hear something move inside the house.
            "Get away from the door, Buckshot. What has gotten into you, you stubborn dog?" says Master.
            "Intruder," I whimper as I lower my head. I slowly walk over, and lay down on his feet.
            He finishes his stick and gets up. "All right, inside," he says as he walks over to the door. As he opens the door, I hear a noise in the mirror. I rush pass Master, and look into the mirror. This time, there's no Master in the mirror, but the smell still lingers.
            Master walks in, and says, "Get out so I can shower!"
            "Intruder," I bark.
            I sulk out of the hydrant room, and lay down on the bed. Despite me going in there barking about an intruder, Master leaves the door open as he takes a bath. As he steps out, the smell gets stronger and stronger. This time, I can smell smoke as Master stands in front of the mirror.
            I creep over to the door, and peek in. Master begins to shave the fur off his muzzle. As he shaves, he winces in pain. I see blood on his muzzle. He grabs a towel to wipe it away, but before he can, another person who looks like Master leans out of the mirror and licks it off Master's cheek as Master watches there frozen.
            Master trembles as the room begins to fill with smoke as the fake Master steps out of the mirror onto the counter. I growl and try to pounce onto fake Master, but something throws me out of the room. I land hard on the floor as I whimper in pain. I try to pull myself off the floor, but something is holding me to the floor.
            I'm able to turn my head towards the mirror as I watch the room fill with flames. I try to bark, but I can't open my mouth all the way. I lay there whimpering as I watch fake Master pick up Master by the throat. Fake Master opens his mouth as I watch a blue mist leave Master's mouth. A few minutes later, fake Master tosses Master next to me cackling as the hydrant room is filled with fire.
            I manage to crawl my way over to Master. I lick his cheek, and yelp as his skin is ice cold. I nuzzle my nose against his face, but he won't move. I whimper as I rest my head against his chest.
            "One soul for my master," says Fake Master. "This All Hallow's Eve will see many more consumed."      
            As I lay there, I watch as the flames move closer. I make one last whimper as I hear a loud snap...

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