Monday, January 4, 2016

"Fiction May Become Fact"

            So, as I'm finally getting further into book 3, I still have this nagging feeling that parts of it may end up coming reality like they did in book 2. All I keep thinking about is Mark Twain quoting, "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."  After the weird turn of events during book 2, I'm scared that my writing may imitate life.
            Okay, without going into a very, very long story, this is what happened with book 2. The second book is the sequel to my first book "The Celtic Thistle". The whole point of the book is the marriage of the two main leads. As I'm doing a ton of research for a fake wedding, Fate stepped in, and all my research ended up helping the planning of my own wedding. In fact, when my wife and I started, it was fun explaining all the bookmarks I had concerning wedding planning.
            Now, as I'm laying out the groundwork for book 3, there's one part I pray never becomes truth, but there are other parts that I would love to happen in my real life. The one subplot that I hope never happens in my life is pregnancy. My wife and I already discussed this topic, and we are making sure this doesn't happen.
             The other subplot I started on that anyone would love to happen is the big house being bought by the main characters. I'm talking a five bedroom mansion with two acres of land on a waterway not far from the beach. Even thought I left South Florida, I would gladly move back if I ended up with a house like that. Oh, I forgot the massive kitchen inside this fictional house. I love to cook, and a kitchen that's as big as most garages will sell any house to me. My current kitchen is a 8' by 8' prison cell.
I might be paranoid, but after last year, I can't fault myself for being cautious. Now, what would make me stop writing if either my demonic horror story or my sci-fi werewolf (I'm calling it sci-fi because it's not based on Earth) stories creeping into my life. The sci-fi probably wouldn't be too bad, but the demonic horror might be the end of me. My final thought is this: If you see a man with glowing red eyes, run away. My horror story has come to life,and I'll be unable to complete it because of a gruesome death.

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