Monday, December 28, 2015

"Goodbye 2015"

            I know that I've been lazy about posting on here outside a poem here and there, but since Halloween, it's been nuttier than a fruit cake at my house. Some days, I barely have time to type out a grocery list. With the new year less than 3 days away, I find myself struggling to motivate myself to write anything outside of this blog
post. To make matters worse, I got a lot of technology I need to configure or repair, including a full restore of an old desktop sitting to me.
            So, this week, I'm going to finally get all the geek work out of the way so when 2106 comes in, I can finally get some goals done:

Goal #1 - Finish the total editing of my 2nd novel. I would love to put it out by 2017.

Goal #2 - Try to hit 50,000 words in 3rd novel. I'm not going to attempt finish it in one year, but if I can, even better. I've learned stressing when there's no deadline makes the words come out forced.

Goal #3 - Lose some weight. Yeah, I'm a little fluffy in the middle, and would love to lose a few...fifty....pounds or so...

Goal #4 - Write some more technology posts. I'm dying to go back to Windows 10, and write my thoughts on it. I was running it for a week, but was forced back to Windows 7 due to a major program issue.

Goal #5 - Try to post here at least weekly. This blog does make a great way to some times break a mental block, and I plan on using it more.

So, in case this is the last post of this crazy year, I hope everyone had a good holiday, and hope for the best in 2016.

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