Friday, November 21, 2014

"Gave Their All"

(Inspired by this song)

Most of them gave some,
And some gave their all.
A single bullet or grenade
Caused them to sadly fall.
For us, sacrificing their life
To protect our freedoms.
We'll never meet that father
Who lost a daughter or son.
They return aboard Galaxies
America's flag is their blanket.
They're taking to their home,
A grave marked by granite.
Most of them gave some,
And some gave their all.
The ones that do return
Only put up mental walls.
They mourn their friends,
And try to forget the pain.
Memories of their battles
Are scars on their brains.
They'll never leave the war.
They live it every single day.
They're treated like outcasts,
And they try to find their way.
They turn to booze and pills
Trying to adjust to civilian life.
Wishing they died out there
Trying to defeat internal strife.
Never know what they saw.
What horrors they witnessed
While servicing our country
On their countless missions.
We can only show support.
We will never comprehend
Their lives forever altered,
In battles with their friends.
Most of them gave some,
And some gave their all.
Sacrificed so much for us,
With pride, they stand tall.

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