Friday, September 26, 2014

"A Few Days With Windows 8"

         I promised I would write a blog post about my experiences with Windows 8. I also promised I would run it for a week, but I'm typing this on Windows 7. I'm at the point if it wasn't the fact I need Windows for work, I would be running Linux.
         The main reason I went back to 7 is 8 is not designed for power users. The Start Screen aka Metro is total nonsense if you run more than one program at time. Loading Metro takes up the entire screen. Even Solitaire took up an entire screen. Also, some things you could adjust were taking away, and some things now require more steps. In other words, if you TRULY use a PC, you have three options to make a new PC work:

1) If you know what you are doing, wipe out Windows 8 and install 7.
2) Spend the extra money and have the manufacture install 7.
3) Install a program such as Classic Shell to make 8 bearable, like I had to do on someone else's PC because they got tired of searching for their programs..

          Overall, Windows 8 is great for tablets, or people who run one program at a time. For people like me that use the Start Menu for everything, look away. Luckily, there is a rumor that they are bringing back the Start Menu in Windows 9, which is supposed to be out by summer of 2015. Until then, sticking to Windows 7, which is being supported by Microsoft till 2020.

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