Saturday, September 21, 2013

I has gude grammer!

As a wannabe novelist, this still irks me. Whenevur someone makes a typo online, there's always some person that is quik to point it out. I'm even guilty of making errors when I post online. Mainly this happens for I'm posting from a Notepad file, I'm not paying attention, or I don't care. I mean it's on frigging a social media site, and not something I plan on sending off to be printed. I'm not going to spell check when all I'm posting is something like this: "Dude, you're friggning nuts!"
Yes, I'm aware that the fact I did make tipos here, but proving a point. As long as you can comprehand it, does the speling really matter? I doubt most of us are sitting there typing out posts in Word before posting them onto Facebook, or wherever. Plus, since most people are updating social sites from their phones, tablets, anything but a PC, so running a spell check is pretty hard.
Now, I will stress. If you're going to post something making fun of someone's intelligence, or try to sound superior to everyone, and there are grammatical errors, the poster deserves to be mocked. As they say, it's not wise to throw rocks when one lives in a glass house. Then again, my finally thought is this: a lot of issues can be solved by thinking and/or researching what you're going to post for once it's posted, it's on there for good.

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