Sunday, March 11, 2018

"The Madam of Suburbia" Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Welcome to Curva
I wake up like a fucking semi ran over me as every joint in my body is stiffer than an old man in a strip club popping Viagra like it's candy. I look around to find myself once again on some stranger's couch in another shitty apartment with zero memory of how I got here. I pull myself off the couch, and rub my hands across my aching head as I try to remember anything. As I see the black hood on the coffee table, I begin my anger rise as I call that heartless demon every cuss word I can think of. I don't know where the fuck Madam has put me, but I pray this is the last damn time I feel like this after dealing with that fucking bitch.
I glance up, and see someone completely covered in black clothing sitting at the dining room table, their hand concealing something on the table. I stare at the black helmet covering their entire face wondering why they are here, and the reason for concealing their body in a thick, black jumpsuit, gloves, and tall pair of black rubber boots. The jumpsuit is so padded I can't tell if it's a woman or a man sitting there. I do sweat a little when they move their hand to reveal a pistol on the table.
"About time you woke up,” they say in a robotic tone.
“Fuck you," I reply as I try to find my cigarettes and my phone. I don't give two shits they're armed. I want a smoke before dealing with this bullshit.
"Well, good fucking morning to you as well," they reply as it's obvious they're using something to hide their real voice.
 "Where am I?" I ask as I toss my boots angrily because I can't find any of my shit, especially my smokes.
 "Have a seat next to me, and I'll explain everything," they say as they pull out a pack of smokes from their pocket and toss it my way.
"Before I sit down, who the fuck are you?" I bitterly ask as I rip into the pack, and pull out a cigarette. I feel in my pockets, and smile as I feel a lighter in there. I pull it out, and light up. I take a long drag before adding," Also, where the hell am I?"
      "All you need to know is you're in Curva, Florida. My name isn't important, but you can call me Blue."
      I take a seat next to Blue, and bite down on the filter as I do my best to stay quiet. The secrecy I'm dealing with is total bullshit. Most of the drug cartels aren't this much smoke and mirrors. This one is nothing but code names and black hoods like they're more paranoid than a kid getting high for the first time. I'm starting to think Area 51 has less security protocols than Madam's entire organization. All I hope is after this meeting, the black hood stays right there on the fucking table.
"So, what am I doing in Florida?"
"Whatever the fuck we need you to do," Blue replies. "Now, sit down, and shut the fuck up."
I slowly puff on my cigarette as I watch Blue cock the pistol. Whoever this Blue person is, I sense they're the type that would put a bullet between your eyes instead of dealing with your insubordination.

"Right now, your old life is over. All your personal belongs are in a safe location, but far as anyone is concerned, Ronnie is dead.
I almost make a smartass comment, but if I do, I feel I'll become dead, literally and not figuratively. So, I do the smartest thing and stay silent while lightning up another cigarette.
"In the bedroom is a duffel bag with a week's worth of clothing, keys to this apartment, a set of car keys for the car parked out front, $1,000 cash, your new ID, a pistol, and a burner phone," Blue explains. "Tomorrow at 9am, you'll get a text. Call the number in the text, and wait for instructions. Think you can handle that, asshole?"
"Good. Now, I got more shit to deal with. If I have to come back here, I'll be putting the bullet into your thick fucking skull myself. Are we clear?"
"Enjoy your new life in Florida."
With that, Blue leaves the apartment. I sit there finishing my cigarette trying to figure out how much I fucked up agreeing to Madam's proposal. I also begin to wonder what my new name. I finish my cigarette and head into the bedroom. I open the duffel bag, and find an envelope on top of clothes. I open it and find the cash and my new ID cards. My new name is now Bryan James Walker. I'm not sure if this was random, or whoever forged them has a sick sense of humor. Far as anyone is concerned, I'm James. I also find a flip phone inside. I turn it on, and see there's a text waiting for me from a blocked number. All it says is welcome to the family. I toss it back into the duffel bag, and head back into the living room. As I'm about to sit down on the couch, the phone goes off. I rush back into the bedroom, and answer it.
"I see you made to Florida okay," Madam says.
"Yes, Madam."
"Good. Oh, little tip. Next time you upset Blue that badly, your ass is mine."
"Yes, Madam," I reply as I picture the voodoo doll buyer hanging from the rafters. I moved over 3,000 miles from California, and she still scares the shit of me.
"Now, enjoy the day off. Remember, 9am."
"Yes, Madam."
With that, the call goes dead as I turn the damn thing off. Between dealing with Blue, and now the call from Madam, I decide the hell with it, and plan on spending today getting drunk. I don't give a fuck it's not even noon, but today is already a real shitfest. I wonder if they were kind of enough to stock some as a sort of housewarming gift. I head into the kitchen, and see a whole fifth of whiskey next to the fridge. Since I'm not need until 9am tomorrow, I crack it open, and take a big swig. I smile as I feel its warmth slowly beginning its magic of wiping away today. I take another swig and begin to think maybe I should explore the area a little bit. This is a new state I'm living in, so might as well play tourist for the day.
I put the whiskey down, and head back into the bed room. I spend the next thirty minutes unpacking the duffel bag. After hiding the pistol under the mattress, I throw on some clothes. I take $100 and my new driver's license, I grab the car keys and head back to the front door. When I get to the door, I stop and toss the car keys onto the table. If I'm going to explore, best to do it on foot. The last thing I need today is a possible DUI charge. I open the door, and step outside to start my new life as James.

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