Saturday, March 21, 2015


Whereabouts unknown.
Not sure if I'm going up,
Or spiraling downwards.
Even time is standing still.
All I see is total blackness.
I can't even feel anything.
The only sound is my heart
Beating tells me I'm alive.
I see a flash and free fall.
Towards a tunnel of light.
Wind rushes all around me.
As I wonder if I am dead.
I land into something soft.
Beds made of cotton candy
Next to a caramel stream.
The grass is green lollipops.
The acid trips fades away.
I find myself in a linen closet
Sitting on dirty cotton towels.
Licking on a sheet naked.
Whereabouts are known.
Wishing I was still tripping.
Coming down does suck
While you are in a prison.

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