Days like this makes me hate my job
Just think I could still be sound asleep
But when the order comes from God
The lost souls I shall go out and reap
Orders lead me to the state of New York
Some quiet, little town deep in the Catskills
Found the lost soul, who belongs to a jerk
A twenty-five year old whose name is Will
Will claims that he led such a hard life
No love from his parents lead to his doom
So late Friday night with a butcher’s knife
He ended his “suffering” in the dining room
I just look up at the beautiful morning sky
As he tells the long tale of his “tragedy”
I just smile and listen to his boldfaced lies
One of his greatest flaws was a lack of honesty
The main bloody reason he went and slit his wrist
Was he got horribly rejected by such a lovely girl
She fell in love with a guy that was named Chris
After that, Will hated everything about the world
I remove my black hood off of my skeletal face
Look at the ground to gather my thoughts first
My other task is to show him the awful disgrace
All of the people he hurt back in the living world
“Such a perfectly good waste of a beautiful sunny day
Just think I could be spending my time at the beach
‘No one you knew gave a shit about you at all’, you say
Look at all those mourning people beneath that beech”
He looks at me and just falls silent for a moment
He just looks at the gathering mass at his grave
“Look how much your life to these people truly meant
Think how much love and happiness that they gave
Instead, you got all emotion over being rejected by her
Not even thinking that this is more to life than sex
This is so much out there to do in this wide world
You took the easy way out by having an early death”
I fall silent for a while and let my words sink in
Hoping the words of Death will affect his views
Then again, he will be burning in Hell for his sin
And I know there is absolutely nothing I can do
That is the price he will pay with his damned soul
Suicide is a one way to ticket to eternity in Hell
This agreement between them is centuries old
She made this pact with him and it works quite well
“So will I being going to Heaven and live amongst the angels?”
Will asks me while we quietly walk towards his grave
“You should know the rules concerning suicide and Hell
Being a Catholic, you know your soul cannot be saved”
He looks at me and his face becomes pale white
He knows where his damned soul is heading now
He sadly knows in his heart that I am totally right
Satan is going to barbeque his soul like a fat cow
“Please, Death, there is something you can do to save me
There has to someone in Heaven that you can talk to”
“You have sinned and must pay the price for your deed
My hands are tied on this matter, nothing I can do
My job is to send souls to their final resting place
Souls that are unsure whether to go up or down
So I have meet them so they can represent their case
The life that they lead before being put into the ground
You made your defense and they have made a decision
You throw your life away and your fate has been sealed
The judgment was issued as soon as you made that incision
It’s too late to make a plea to her and try to make a deal
She is angry that her children never heed her words at all
She gave everyone free will and what do they do with it
They give up on her wisdom and decide to take the fall
Now, I must bid farewell and send you to the fiery pit”
With those words, flames shoot out of the ground
I point my hand towards it and bid him farewell
“Always remember these words: When you truly get down
The shortest path to happiness only leads your soul to hell
Suicide is never the solution when dealing with your problems
The real solution is to fight your way out of depression’s pit
True happiness can be always amongst family and friends
Just let them in your life and tell them why you feel shit”
With that, his soul walks forward and enters the flames
He has accepted he has brought pain to family and friends
Now his soul will be forever weighed down by the shame
That his life was just beginning, not coming to an end
As he vanishes, I head back to my home in the sky
My job here was done and I have more souls waiting
Always remember this before you think you need to die
Good things will always come if the necessary risk is taken