Saturday, November 24, 2012

"World War 3 – The Day Of Mushrooms"

The day that the world came to an end
Went out and had fun with my best friends
We didn’t know that Earth would turn into Hell
Started out like any day as far as we could tell
We were sitting in a living room playing a game
Just having a good time calling each other names
A bright flash began to appear out of the east
A mighty rush of wind struck like a roaring beast
All the glass just shattered and the walls began to crack
Saw the mushroom cloud that follows a nuclear blast
The cloud was over Miami, which is now a smoking hole
We knew that World War III was beginning to unfold
Then, a bright flash from where Fort Lauderdale stood
Whatever comes out of this nuclear will not be good
I just stood there and watch the mushroom fill the sky
At the instant, deep in my heart, I was going to die
The last things I remember was being hit by the shock wave
After that, everything becomes blurred in a mental haze
The city was crumbling around me was my last memory
My last thought was Death is taking me out of my misery

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