Tuesday, December 17, 2013


There's one truth in life we are never taught until we reach adulthood, and that is all jobs suck. I'm not saying I hate my current job, but no matter what job I've held for longer then six months, they all sucked in one way or another. I feel if I got my dream job, it will still have its pros and cons. There's no such thing as a perfect job, but you will always find one that makes you happy.
Does this mean you should quit a job because it sucks? Nope for you will be dealing with a new job that might be even worse then your last job. If you feel like you're ready to quit, sit down and make a list of the pros and cons. If the cons outweigh the pros, then I suggest finding something better. I quit one job due to the biggest downside: paycheck was always late. There's no pro that will outweigh any cons with a company when they keep messing with your check.

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