Some days, despite all my knowledge, I want to take a bat to every piece of technology I own ala Office Space style. The past two days have been frustrating to say the least. Nothing but issues with JAVA and Windows 7, which I need JAVA for work. It got so bad, I had to go back to XP just so I can work. I'm so tired of reinstalling, that I got work programs installed, and that's it. I didn't even install Word, and that's the second program I install after an anti-virus.
My system went awry on Monday morning. As I got Windows back up Monday afternoon, I couldn't load my work programs. So, left early, to reload Windows 7.At 1am Tuesday morning, tried again, and still nothing. Tried 5 versions of JAVA, and it wouldn't load. So, ticked off at this point, I wiped my entire drive, and installed XP with the programs I needed for work. The good news is I'm working again, but the downside is I have none of my writing files, my music, or even Word on my system.
The worst part is I finally got unstuck on a chapter, but I might have to go old school to write. So, tonight, installing my printer, and printing out what I got so far. Until I get my PC back to where it was, I'm afraid to write on my computer because I might lose my work during the reinstalls. So, till I get it back up to where I like it, this might be the only thing I type out. The only thing I'm glad about this whole situation is at least it's not my hardware.
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