Saturday, January 4, 2014

“Virtual Reality”

The real world is no longer seen
Everyone is focused on a screen
If they never receive a notification
They will never notice the damnation
Their entire lives are posted online
But can't give neighbors the time
They are too busy posting selfies
Claiming they are not internet junkies
They cannot disconnect from tweeting
To notice their imaginations are fleeting
From the total lack of mental stimulation
As MMO's have become their fixation
We might as well find a way to turn TCP/IP
Into a new drug and administer it over an IV
If you don't exist somewhere on social media
You're ignored like you are nothing but bacteria
One day, evolution will make us lose all senses
Technology has already overridden common sense
Etiquette, courtesy and patience are also gone
Rudeness and short tempers have caught on
I feel we should go back to the way it used be
When we all took active roles in our society
Instead of another post on some website's wall
We used to pick up the phone and actually call
We said hello, and didn't get upset over little things
And we're excited when we heard the doorbell ring
Then again, I know this is nothing more then fantasy
As the world is slowly fading into this virtual reality
Where we can’t see past the glow of our smart phones
Seeing we are digging nothing more then hollow homes
When the dinner bell has been replaced by a simple text
I am afraid of the way we are heading and what is next

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