Monday, March 10, 2025

"My Ideology"

 A chaotic ideology corrupted.
Thoughts of anarchy invading.
Questioning my calm insanity.
My fragile grip on reality fading.
Pawn in a celestial chess game.
My tattered soul is the damn prize.
Good and evil tugging Fate's strings.
Through their maze, I fight to survive.
Inside a downward spiral of apathy.
Fighting through the chains of doubt.
Clinging onto the last spark of hope.
As I keep clawing my way back out.
The darkness keeps testing my faith.
The demons whisper my transgressions.
Refusing to give into their mind games;
Fighting through waves of depression.
A new peaceful ideology takes shape.
Thoughts of my future taking hold.
No longer questioning my sanity
As I embrace visions of growing old.